
.. done, done and ..

.. Almost Done!!

Only one exam left, YEEHAW!! So I wrote my linguistics Exam at 2.30 on Saturday. I think it went quite well. Only took me an hour and a half of 2.5 hours available, and I felt like I knew the answer to everything - I LOVE it when that happens!!

Tuesday night, [7.00 PM!!] I wrote Environmental Studies. It went...well...but not as good as the two other exams I wrote so far. I'm hoping for an A, so we'll see how it goes. The part that got me frustrated was that he told us we'd get a choice of 2 essay questions, and then he only gave us one!!

At this time two weeks from now I will hopefully be finishing up my last exam of this year! Go me! Statistics though...I'm so hoping and wishing that I can pull off an A+ in that course..I need it to help pull my GPA up a bit higher. I know that I am still going to qualify for my scholarship next year, which is great. But it would be nice to keep my GPA similar to last year as well.

--------------- Enough about School -----------------

I picked up some stuff from the Sears Store today. I love Mail Ordering! Especially since I can't seem to make it to the mall these days. I got a new hooded vest in "Taupe" which I LOVE. And I got 1/2 of one bathing suit that I ordered, so I am still waiting on the last 3 pieces. $12.99 each piece - you can't go wring with that!!

There's this cute little white skirt "Cover Me - White Frilled Skirt" that I am thinking of ordering too. Such a nerdy description, LOL, but it is cute, and will be great for the beach too. Plus it is only $24.99.

OH! I ordered from Amazon.ca yesterday too. I've never done that before! I got three books, all by Francesca Lia Block [I love her books!!]:
  1. Ecstasia - $5.91
  2. Guarding the Moon - $2.65
  3. Nymph - $6.35

Granted, I have to pay $6.95 shipping per book, but it is still cheaper than buying them from the store. I probably shouldn't have bought them, because I don't have a lot of money, but whatever. I love reading, and now I have a little bit of time to do it, so I might as well make the most of it.

I just read "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picoult too. I read the whole thing in 2 days!! About a girl who gets raped by her ex-boyfriend, and the stuff she goes thorugh whiel preparing for the trial and what-not. Had me in tears a few times, that's for sure.

Anyway...Ellen is on, and I have run out of things to say!!


At April 17, 2006 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lucky! i wish i were that close to being done finals! i have three to go!

At July 19, 2006 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.


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