
.. Today is Sunday ..

And I...
  1. Still haven't thrown those sheets in the laundry, but I did just do three other loads tonight
  2. Finished that Research Methods paper, and now I need to start studying for that exam.
  3. Cleaned up my room, but I'm not sure how long it will stay this way!
  4. didn't get to bed until 3.15 AM this morning, and thus, am still really really tired.
  5. Am watching a CSI that I've already seen twice before, but I don't really care.
  6. Got my first comment in months on my blog, Yeehaw! Thanks Nadine ;)

4 more days of classes left and then NO MORE SCHOOL for a whole month! I have only three exams in the final exam period, which is cool. one on the 8th, one the 11th, and one in the 27th. So lots of time to study for that last one, which is good, because it is statistics, and I haven't done any work in that class since our LAST exam, lol.

I have to go to summer school this year. Eww. But, it is only six week of classes, and only twice a week, so not too bad. I might have to take a second class though, which would mean two 3 hour lectures twice a week, and tuesday's and on thursday's. And my first class is at 9.00AM. eww. AND

In six days, it is our anniversary. FIVE YEARS.

How F'in Cool is That?! :D


At March 27, 2006 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you get a month off? that's just crazy. i go until april 7th with classes, have the weekend off and have my first final on the 10th!

At March 27, 2006 7:18 PM, Blogger elliearsenault said...

LOL. Technically I don't really get a onth off, but i get a month without classes anyways. I only have the three exams in April, so it's pretty much a month off! lol!


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