
.. ho hum ..

I got my statistics midterm back this afternoon. she had added it wrong when it was handed back, and said that I got 67.5/80. it was SOO disappointed, but it turns out I got 75.5/80 instead, which is wicked cool :D. So I got a 93.4% on this test, which is better than my last exam, and means I still have an A+ in Statistics. GO ME!!

I've decided that I want to get a little doggie some day. A weiner dog to be exact. They are super cute. Nathan keeps objecting, which isn't very cool. especially since he's convinced himself that he can have a big dog, [a really big dog, and he knows that I don't like big dogs a whole lot]. Oh well, I'll win him over some day. Who could say no to a cutie pie like this?? I mean come on!! A puppy that fits in a hot dog bun is a winner in my books, that's for sure :D

I have a dilemma tonight. Bones AND American Idol are on at the same time. I'm hoping Bones is a repeat, but if it's not, I think I'll watch it anyways. I love that show!! The cast is so funny :)

I'm about half done summarizing my notes for Linguistics. I should get at least half of what is left done tonight, and then the rest of it tomorrow or Friday when I get home from work. Work...Eww. I guess I should go get started!


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