
.. one more time ..

The blog machine ate my post yesterday. I got angry and gave up until now. I've been packing for the past half hour or so. Then I realized I better stop, just in case I need some things tomorrow during the day. After all, I'm not leaving for a whole day yet.

Had a hard time sleeping last night. Couldn;t get back to sleep this morning either, so I just got up since I had class. Unfortunately for me, my professor never showed up, and after half an hour of waiting, I left. I had a rest/nap this afternoon though, which was nice. Hopefully tonight will be better. One more sleep and I get to return [almost] permanently to my own bed at home. I feel like celebrating, but I'm not sure how.

http://www.creatingkeepsakes.com announced their Hall of Fame Winners today. Hopefully one day I'll be able to call myself an HOF'er. I haven't entered before, but maybe I will this year. I'm looking forward to getting some quality scrapbooking done over the next few months. And to taking a lot of [better] photo's too. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, I have a lot of work I should be doing, so I'd better go and at least try to do some of it.
**ETA** I found yesterdays post! Somehow, someway. So now it is there. Cool.


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