
.. Only Nine Days Remain ..

...Until I get to go home. For Good.

I live in Residence at School...It's not my cup of tea. I get my own room, which is great. The walls are thick and block out noise quite well, which is great. The doors are metal and let through everything. Not so great. I have one wall that is nearly entirely window, which is great. The Pub is about four floors below me, and they play wretched, repetitive music on Thursdays. Not so great.

I'm pretty lonely because I am quite shy. And because the rest of the girls on this floor come across as twits. I've tried to get to know them, honestly I have. They however, are nearly as bad (and sometimes worse!) than the girls I was itching to leave behind in highschool. Also not so great!

But in nine days it will nearly over. I'll be ninety percent moved out, with just a few things remaining for the days I have my exams (sheets, pillows, stereo, etc.)

I cannot wait to go home


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